Miskatonic 5
Status: Inactive/Completed (turns will not process)

Atlantis Engine: v4.2.127
Rulesset: Miskatonic v1.0.35

Current Turn: #97 (January, Year 9)
Current Players: 1
Players Submitted: 1
Players Remaining: 0

Turn Frequency: All players submitted only
Time Elapsed: 4 months, 3 weeks, 19.97 hours
Next Turn: n/a

First Player Submitted Reward: 50 unclaimed silver
Early Submitter Reward: 100 unclaimed silver (first 24 hours)
Atlantis Times:
     Article Reward: 100 unclaimed silver
     Rumor Reward: 50 unclaimed silver

The Atlantis Times
Turn 23 (November, Year 2)

Kragers face goes pale as he reads the last report in the pile and he calls in his aide

Why was this report the bottom of the pile?

You know the saying, leave the worst to last.

We lose all the specialist training cores to mermen and you think it’s just bad news?

Could be worse, could have been us

     – Kragers Meanderers (4)

If the hills are running with blood the plains are strangely quiet

Atlantis Tools v1.108 (5/1/2023)